What Do Orthotics Do?

If you’re suffering from foot, heel, or ankle pain and discomfort, Dr. Jesse Anderson provides custom orthotics at AAL Podiatry Associates in Suffolk and Norfolk, VA.

Why Use Orthotics?

Every day, people put their feet through a great deal of wear and tear. Whether it’s standing on your feet all day, running for exercise, moving around your home to manage household tasks, or walking into the grocery store, your feet do a lot of work.

It’s unsurprising, then, that most Americans deal with foot pain. And when they do, they often look for better shoes and shoe inserts that you can purchase at your local pharmacy or retailer.

Both of these moves can provide some relief, but most people do not receive the relief they need. This is because foot pain often stems from other issues, such as diabetes, nerve issues, problems with the foot’s structure, plantar fasciitis, high or fallen arches, and more.

In such cases, mass-produced shoe orthotics or inserts and good shoes can only do so much. Custom orthotics, on the other hand, can provide the relief you seek.

How Custom Shoe Orthotics Help

When you visit your local retailer to purchase orthotics or shoe inserts, you’ll notice that your choices are limited. Basically, you get to choose your size from options for a general purpose – typically for comfort. They are all made in the same fashion, though they might offer different levels of comfort or be made from different materials.

That is pretty much the extent of variation, meaning everyone in your town that wears shoe inserts is wearing the same basic thing. This is unfortunate, as no one’s foot is made the exact same way. Everyone needs orthotics that suit their specific needs.

This is where custom orthotics come in. They are made to fit the exact structure and shape of your foot. And they are designed to provide the support you need for your specific condition.

Dr. Anderson at AAL Podiatry Associates is dedicated to ensuring you have the best possible orthotics to not only ease your pain and discomfort but also to address any conditions. This can include anything from low or high arches to toe deformities. 

Don’t just dream of walking, standing, and living without foot pain. Experience it with orthotics provided by Dr. Anderson at AAL Podiatry Associates. Schedule an appointment in Suffolk, VA at (757) 539-2098 or Norfolk, VA at (757) 625-2962.

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