
Bunions in Suffolk & Norfolk, VA


Bunions are a common problem, and it’s estimated that around 20 percent of men and women aged 18 to 65 suffer from them. Among individuals 65 and older, more than 30% suffer bunions. Just because bunions are common, however, that doesn’t mean that you have to simply endure them. Contact Dr. Jesse Anderson for bunion treatment in Suffolk and Norfolk.

Pretty much anyone can get bunions. That said, women tend to be more prone to them. This may be in part because more women wear high heels and other shoes that don’t provide optimal support. Older folks are also more likely to experience them. Still, even teens can get bunions.

By working with a podiatrist, you may be able to both treat existing bunions and prevent them from forming in the future. As foot experts, your podiatrist can work with you to understand and manage risk factors. For example, a podiatrist can help you select shoes and/or inserts that provide more support, which may prevent bunions from forming.

Diagnosing Bunions

Bunions are usually pretty easy to spot. Many patients will first notice them when they start to experience severe foot pain while walking, putting on shoes, or moving their big toe.

Signs you may be suffering bunions:

  • A bony lump is forming on the outside of your big toe.
  • Swelling and inflammation in the big toe.
  • Severe pain when putting shoes on.

If you believe a bunion has formed or is forming, it’s wise to speak to a podiatrist right away. The longer you wait, the more difficult your condition will be to treat. Dr. Anderson offers bunion treatment in Suffolk and Norfolk.

Bunion Treatment and Management Options

The good news is that when it comes to treatment, you’ll have a variety of options. If the bunion isn’t severe and isn’t a major disruption, treatment often starts with management. By getting wider shoes or using devices to stretch your shoes, for example, you can reduce irritation.

Bunion management and treatment options:

  • Pads and tape to cushion the bunion and surrounding tissue.
  • Orthotics that provide more support for the feet.
  • Icing to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
  • Using spacers between the big and second toe.
  • Anti-inflammation and pain medications.

The above list isn't exhaustive. A podiatrist can provide more insights after examining your situation.

Bunion Surgery

In some cases, surgery may be necessary. The bunion can be surgically removed and bones can be fused together to reduce the risk of bunions forming in the future. A podiatrist can help you understand what your specific surgery will mean.

Looking for bunion treatment in Suffolk or Norfolk, VA?

You can reach Dr. Anderson at 757 625 2962 (Norfolk) or 757 539 2098 (Suffolk).

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