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Arch Disorders

The arches of the feet play a role in supporting your body’s weight when standing or in motion. The tarsal and metatarsal bones make up the arches of the feet, Read More

How to Ease Your Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

Painful with every step you take. You never thought your feet would feel so bad, but plantar fasciitis has impacted your life. At AAL Podiatry in Suffolk and Norfolk, VA, Read More

Treating and Dealing With Athlete's Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection of the feet that is typically characterized by itchy, burning patches of skin between the toes that may also crack or bleed. Since Read More

Treating Tendon and Joint Pain

There are 52 bones in your feet and ankles, which means that feet contain about 25 percent of the bones in our bodies. Our feet also contain about 20-25 percent Read More

Treating Broken Metatarsals

Did you know that the metatarsals, or bones in the foot, are the most commonly broken bones in the human body? These long bones run the length of the foot Read More

Which Orthotics Type Is Right for You?

At AAL Podiatry Associates in Norfolk and Suffolk, VA, Dr. Jesse Anderson often recommends orthotics to patients who suffer from foot problems such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and tendonitis, just Read More

Are You Struggling with Heel Pain?

Heel pain is a common foot problem that podiatrists often treat. Knowing the cause of your pain is important in determining the most effective treatment method. Even if the pain Read More

Treating and Preventing Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition that often affects blood flow to the legs due to narrowing of the arteries. PAD is caused by atherosclerosis, a serious condition in Read More

Treating Warts

Oddly enough, there are a lot of Old Wives Tales and folk remedies surrounding warts. Perhaps you’ve even heard of some one them; however, if you end up dealing with Read More

Taking Care of a Sprained Ankle

One wrong step and you could just end up dealing with a sprained ankle. A sprain occurs when the ankle suddenly rolls inwards or outwards, which jolts the ankle joint Read More

Treating and Preventing Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a common foot problem that occurs when the corner of a toenail, usually the big toe, grows into the skin. As you might imagine, this can Read More

What Causes Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is a common problem that can be rather challenging to get rid of. While toenail fungus can happen to anyone it most often occurs in older adults. If Read More

Plantar Fasciitis

While heel pain is a common problem this doesn’t mean that it should just be brushed aside or considered a small matter. Untreated heel pain can lead to long-term pain Read More

Don't Ignore Your Heel Pain

Heel pain can make it difficult to perform routine activities, such as walking or standing for extended periods. Depending on how severe the heel pain, it might even prevent you Read More

Outfitting Your Child with Proper Footwear

Backpacks, paper, pencils, and clothes are just a few of the things your youngster may need before the start of a new school year. When shopping for your child during Read More

Taking Care of Little Feet

A child's feet grow rapidly during the first year, reaching almost half of their adult foot size. This is why podiatrists consider the first year to be the most important Read More

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